The four panellists in the final session before lunch came
from the International School in Geneva and provided an excellent and
stimulating debate. The admirably lucid and thought-provoking 16 and 17 year
olds did not have televisions in their rooms, relying on laptops or iPads for
content consumption.
So what is the role of the television set? Does it have a
social role, or no role at all? The living room television is seen as a way for
families to get together, around sports and event television. It was not seen
as in any way important in their lives. The iPhones are always with them, and
status updates and social communication is always to hand.
They were then asked how they learned to develop trusted
sources of knowledge. One quoted the recent viral Kony 2012 campaign, which
she saw online first but then followed up with research to find out the
background and learned that the organisation behind it was less than
Another suggested that by comparing a variety of sources
online a more rounded view could be reached, with at least some of the bias
eliminated. A third saw a virtue in the Wild West environment of the internet.
Verifying information will become a huge part of information-gathering in
future. Maybe the comments section following an article is as important in
evaluating stories as the article itself.
The Occupy Wall Street protest was also quoted as an
example, in that, it was suggested, it took days for the established news media
to even acknowledge its existence. He was concerned about corporate influence
on broadcast news, and tended to trust as a more reliable source. A
more reliable and honest news service would be a wish for the future.
Moving from information to entertainment, how interesting is
that to young people? Yes, it is a great source of entertainment and a way of
relaxing – which followed up Ingrid’s comments earlier – but the choice can be
overwhelming and they have a sense of having to ration themselves in their
consumption. That could be because they are very driven students, though.
Looking to the future, what would be the one wish?
Television to be more accessible through the internet, with easier and legal
access to stream it wherever you are. A closer relationship between producers
and audiences would be also be good.
Everyone is interconnected socially on a global scale, and
this will affect the longer term future of media. Content might be more widely
created and distributed without the intervention of large media enterprises.
Media will also be more integrated into our lives, said one, citing the Google
idea of augmented reality glasses. That will link in to more or less universal
Wifi wherever you go, along with widespread cloud storage, allowing free access
to data.
In response to a question about whether they will be owners
of television sets in 10 years’ time, there was a genuine lack of
understanding. When the question was rephrased to talk about quality, there was
an acceptance that the television was essentially a social device and it was
the big shared screen rather than the quality which was important.
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